Thursday, November 25, 2010

Paralytic Healed

Beautiful Morning , 22nd of August 2010. Preparing for the sermon in the Sunday morning service in Dharmapuri, place in South India. Mighty pour of His Spirit was there during the time of worship and prayer. After the sermon, I was preparing my self to pray for the people. As I was start praying for each and everyone, I saw a man with paralytic on right side. Then Lord told me specifically to pray for him with the help of oil (James 5:14,15).

When I place the oil and start praying, immediately the Healing power of Jesus started moving on him and his leg and hands where completely released from the paralytic clutches. He started walking on the pulpit.

Also similar kind of miracles Lord performed during that day. Many have witnessed the live healing. All Glory to Jesus.
“I(Jesus) tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”  He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. - Mark 2:11,12"

First Healing in the Name of JESUS

I was in my cousins home and it was almost late evening. My cousin sister was struggling in elbow pain on her right hand. She didn't get any improvement after applying the ointments. So we just gathered for prayer. The prayer was started and with in few minutes, I just said by the help of Holy Spirit, "Remove the pain from her hand in the name of JESUS". The very next moment, it was healed suddenly and she was jumping before I finish my prayer.

But during the time of healing for my cousin, it started paining on my right hand. Then I realized that the pain has transferred to me. I started praying and casting that pain for myself. After few minutes, it went away from me.

Then Jesus told me clearly that all these disease and pain can be removed in a moment and healed which science can't explain. Also Jesus thought me before the actual prayer, we need to pray for to cover us in the Blood of Jesus. This was the first healing, which Lord has performed through me. "By His Stripes we are healed". All glory to JESUS alone.

“And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.” (Matthew 14:14)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My First Interpretation

September 26th 2009; Me, Pauline, Anne, Jeba and Leno gathered in my home for Prayer. Started at 2:30. With in an hour I was struck by Holy Fire completely on my heart and I felt his glorious presence spreading through out my body. As we move with songs, Praise and worship and message. We all gather once again for prayer and we concentrate for Holy Spirit and his guidance. There I felt the mighty presence of Jesus walking in that room. Leno started feeling the presence of Jesus. I was in complete tongues and slowly started experiencing the meaning. But I was bit confused whether I'm speaking in my mind or God enables me to speak. In tongues for a moment and followed by meaning. The moment I finished saying meaning it started experiencing on Leno. I was so thrilled to see the things happening like this.

Leno was touched by the power of Holy Spirit. She started experiencing the amazing love of Jesus. That was her happiest moment in her life. Jesus touched and holds her hands. She felt the mighty powerful current flowing on her body and can't able to stand in the presence of the Lord and thrown away twice. God reveled me many things during that time. The prayer went till 7:15PM. Those who witnessed where really amazed. I thank our almighty for this wonderful experience.

"For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. - 1 Corinthians 14:2,3"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Holy Fire

It was August 29th 2009; Me, Pauline and Leno gathered for the Prayer at Leno’s house. We started at 2:30 PM. As we geared up with songs and thanks giving prayer, the presence of Holy Spirit started filling us. After an hour, once again the presence of the Holy Spirit filled us magnificently. The Holy Fire started coming down, I was completely in tongues and praying for the Fire to fill us more. Pauline was able to see the fire and it started filling her. It was the mighty moment and all 3 where not able to control, crying and screaming like anything. Especially Pauline was able to see clear fire moving upon her. The neighbor house where staring on us and still the flow of the fire where continuing more.

We where not able to control, Leno’s mother got scared and she was on the way to inform us to reduce the voice. But as she opened the door, she was able to see the bright red fire light filled in that room. She just closed the door without informing us and she was thunder struck. We 3 can’t able to forget the wonderful moment happened on that day. Praise the Lord.
“I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled - Luke 12:49"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Catastrophic Disaster 2010

As I was waiting under the Lord's presence on 31st Dec'09, Jesus showed me a clear vision that there is gonna be a great and deadly destruction through water this year. It's a beautiful land or city and I can able to see a flood waters rushing with great current and destroying the land. Houses are completely washed away, all the trees are uprooted. Its such a strange catastrophic disaster.

Once again, I got the same vision on 3rd Jan 2010 during my sudden evening nap in dream. Be prepared...Jesus second coming is very soon.

“Immediately after the distress of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man(Jesus) in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. - Matthew 24:29,30"

One More New Tongue

I also got one more new tongue after a month from anointing especially when I pray for my Chithi. During prayer, as soon as I tell her name, my tongue changes to a new unknown language. I’m so amazed…Praise the Lord.

"Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues, God will speak to this people, to whom he said, “This is the resting place, let the weary rest”; and, “This is the place of repose”   but they would not listen.  - Isaiah 28:11,12"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Youth Meeting - Dec 26th - Mettur

It was such a blessed meeting which Jesus enabled us to conduct on Dec 26th, 2009 at Mettur Dam. Totally 5 people were conducting and around 82 turned up.The meeting was held in CSI church, during morning session we were little scary to speak about the power of God and gifts of Holy Spirit. But during lunch time God spoke to us to clearly to go ahead boldly.

During afternoon, the fire started coming down and many were able to experienced his glory. Many got touched. Even the elders in church were shocked and amazed. All glory to Jesus.

Satan bought all kinds of trials both before and after the meeting, but Jesus enabled me to destroy all his plans. I was struggling with fever and cold(not able to speak) a day before the meeting. But Jesus healed me before the meeting through prayers.

A friend of mine came from Chennai, to give a sermon on that meeting. After the meeting, we took the car to drop him in railway station to catch the train at 9PM. It's a 40KM drive and I was driving. As we crossed 10KM; suddenly there was a brake failure(new car), and I can't stop the car suddenly. If I apply break, the break peddle hits the floor of the car and stops very slowly.
During that time Holy Spirit enabled me and ask others(totally 3 ppl) to be in tongues and pray. We were praying and I was slowly driving. One point of time we can't drive and stopped the car aside and we stated seeking for mechanic. We tried to reach 2 mechanic but no body was there. Once again Holy Spirit enables us to do only prayer and asked us not to search for any mechanic. We started the car in complete trust on Jesus with prayer. The miracle happened in 5 mins, the break was perfect and its much better than before. We were able to catch the train on time. All glory to Jesus. God is so amazing in leading us.

"Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, Fearful in praises, doing wonders (Ex 15:11)."

The Dove's Voice

A small prayer team was started on 1st August 2009 in Mettur. Me, Sam, Pauline and Leno where gathered in Sam's house for the first time. As we begin with praise and worship, the Holy Spirit started filing us greatly. When we where all praying together, I was able to clearly hear the Voice of Dove and sound of the dove's feather. It was so amazing that at least for 10 minutes I was able to hear. It was such a joyful moment that Holy Spirit came in the form of dove and God enable me to listen his voice. I Praise the Lord for this wonderful experience.

"And the Holy Spirit descended on him(Jesus) in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22"

Immerse Baptism

After my Holy Spirit anointing, I was waiting under the Lord's presence to get the time for immerse baptism. God spoke to me many times to take baptism through Bible and his words, but I was so firm that Jesus should speak to me directly. After a month, one day I got a mail to my official id, sender name is “Baptism” and the subject is “Don’t waste time, I’m waiting for you”. It was such a shocking to me that God even speak through technologies. Then I told my parents, initially they where hesitating. God spoke to my parents, very next day they where started arranging for my Baptism. Then with great struggle I took my water immerse baptism on '09-Aug-09'. Praise the Lord.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit - Matthew 28:19"

Holy Spirit Anointing

It was March 27, 2009 Prayer meeting in Nagercoil. I was preparing for the Holy Spirit anointing 5 days before. Bright morning 27th came, Meeting is at 10 AM. Started with praise and worship, then a powerful message and followed by a prayer. During the prayer time Jesus touched me mightily and I was thrown away. It was such a powerful moment and I felt the complete peace in my heart. I was touched by the Holy Spirit greatly during that time.

That same day night, we had a mid night prayer fellowship from 10.00PM. As we finished some worship songs and time we started prayer. Jesus called my name through one of the sister with the help of Holy Spirit. The first time when he called my name I didn't realize, at second time I was touched and thrown some where away. God started speaking to me and I'm responding to him with the help of Holy Spirit.

Jesus expressed his magnificent love and kindness to me. He was telling about the amount of love and compassion he had on me. God started reveling that how he is going to use me in his kingdom. I was completed filled by Holy Spirit and I still don't know I was in the earth or not. After this, Holy Spirit thought me a song from heaven and Lord loved my song very much. This experience went more than half an hour. An uncle came and touched me, and then I realized that I’m in the prayer hall. Everyone was astonished and listening this incident.

Friends it's such a beautiful moment, I can't express the complete joy which I had during the time with Holy Spirit. Our Jesus is such a loving God, in spite of many mistakes and sin in my life he completely forgave me and he gave his mighty blessings. Only Jesus can wash away all our sins.

Next day (28th March) morning we had a same prayer fellowship at 10.00AM. Lord made me to testify what happened in the last night. Prayer time came; God completely filled me once again with fire from heaven mightily. Such an awesome experience and God showed his kindness to feel his mighty power. During the final prayer, the prophecy gift was coming down; I filled with the gift and started speaking in new tongues continuously. It was such a powerful experience and words were pouring out in new tongues like a rushing river from heaven. God made me to testify me once again in the same meeting.

The same day night once again we had a midnight prayer fellowship. The Spirit of Whirlwind (The Whirlwind is the one which took Elijah up) came down and Lord filled me once again amazingly. I was revolving in the magnificent speed and I was thrown away some where. It was very powerful experience which Jesus showed me. God used me mightily during the prayer time.

We all where praying for a sister, one of the prayer warriors prophesied in different tongue and interpreting the meaning for that. I was also prophesying along with her in different tongues. Still lots of things God thought me during prayer.

"Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:2-4"

Friends I want to share this testimony to tell that Power of God and Holy Spirit is still moving mightily among with us. He started pouring his gifts greatly these days. We are living in the final moment of the world and we can wait for his second coming any time. Please be ready and prepare for his kingdom. Jesus is the only way to Heaven.