Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sickbed turned in a second

It was a Sunday evening. Went for village ministry. I was told that there was a man who was very sick and lying on the bed. They were about to take him to hospital. After ministry I went over there and I saw him lying on the bed in semi-consciousness state.

Many sourrounded us. Started my prayer by applying oil and I could able to sense the healing power of Jesus coming upon him. To everyones surprise he stood up as soon as I finish my prayer and started to came out along with me. Glory to God alone.
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Friday, October 7, 2011

High fever - healed by Jesus

Two weeks back I got a call from a sister who was suffering from high fever. She was unable to speak and was completely shivering. She was about to meet doctor accompaning by her mom. It was a simple prayer that Lord enabled me to pray. Before I finish my prayer she started to sweat like anything and fever completely left her. Jesus healed her perfectly. They return back from hospital without consulting doctor. Glorious. Hallelujah.
"So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. - Mark 1:31"
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